Monday, March 1, 2010

GLVWG's "The Write Stuff" Conference

We would be remiss in not giving a huge shout out to our friends at the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group (GLVWG), whose annual The Write Stuff conference will be held on March 25-27 at the Four Points Sheraton, Allentown, PA. GLVWG has the difficult task of staging a conference down to a science, and this year’s schedule is no exception. In addition to their regular schedule of breakout sessions, GLVWG is holding a special pre-conference workshop with bestselling author James N. Frey (How to Write a Damn Good Novel) on Thursday night. Additionally, the day includes appointments with agents and editors (you must register for a slot ahead of time), Flash Fiction writing contests, and the ever-popular author book fair at the end of the day. Some of our BDWN members have attended GLVWG’s conference, and can verify that it’s one of the best—definitely money well-spent. Kudos to conference chair Kathryn Craft and her committee for all of their hard work! For more information on the Write Stuff, visit , or their blog, All the Write Stuff.

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