Thursday, April 1, 2010
Interview with Patricia Shenyo
EDITOR'S NOTE: As part of our Write It Right conference, the Black Diamond Writers Network will be holding a local author book fair at the end of the day. Over the next few weeks, we'll be introducing you to some of the authors participating in the book fair and talking to them about their writing projects. First up is Patricia Shenyo.
Patricia Klatch Shenyo is an ordinary person like most of us – a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and by profession a high school Business Education teacher, now retired. She taught in William Allen High School, Allentown, PA, Woodbridge School District, Woodbridge, NJ, and Bishop Hafey High School, Hazleton, PA. She has been involved in Church ministry as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, teaching religious education classes to high school juniors, and serving on various committees for over thirty years. First-hand experiences with God’s healing power has solidified her convictions in God’s great love for each person, His willingness to do what is best for each, and His burning desire to bring each to eternal happiness in heaven.
As a high school Business Education teacher realizing that high school students, college students, and sometimes adults seldom have a clear vision in determining which direction to take their lives, Mrs. Shenyo developed a highly successful project for her students to help them realize their ambitions. This project was later written and published in the form of two booklets, Making Wise Career Choices and Getting The Job You Desire. Both booklets have been recently rewritten to give the most up-to-date information. They will also be available on the Website along with her newly published book, GOD?
BDWN: Thanks for speaking with us, Patricia. Can you tell us about your book, GOD?
PATRICIA: Most people have questions about God. This book gives insight and answers to perplexing questions regarding God. Is there a God; can we prove His existence? What is He like? Is there a spiritual realm – heaven, hell, purgatory? Has anyone ever seen them? Are there truly miracles; do they occur today? . . .and so much more is contained in the first section of the book.
The second section deals with what does God say. It goes through the ten commandments and gives Bible references as to what God expects. It also explains God’s goodness, His love, and His willingness to forgive our most grievous offenses.
The third section explains what kind of help God offers to us, His great love for us and His desire for each person to have eternal salvation. It gives insight as to why God allows good people to suffer and why it is important for a person to forgive someone who hurt him/her.
The fourth section tells the reader what’s in it for you and for me – what God has in store for those who love Him.
The book “carries on a conversation” with the reader. It is interspersed with charming anecdotes, stories of great hardship and courage, tales of terror, of human suffering and healing, of forgiveness, and stories of trust in God. All the stories are true. It is a book of great hope and encouragement to everyone, even the most abject of sinners.
BDWN: Religion is such a delicate subject. How did you treat the various beliefs that are out there?
PATRICIA: Each person is treated with the greatest respect from the devout Christian, Jew, Muslim to the agnostic, atheist, and everyone in between. I believe that there are many paths to God and each person has the right to worship or not to worship at all as he/she so chooses.
BDWN: What drew you to writing this type of book?
PATRICIA: Many people have a hunger for something or someone that can give them happiness not only in this world, but in eternity. I believe that someone is God. Each person needs to know that there is a God Who loves him/her unconditionally and is willing to do whatever it takes to grant salvation. The secret is in the choosing.
BDWN: How long did it take you to complete the book?
PATRICIA: The book was completed in seven months. I began writing in March of 2009 and finished in September. There were a few little changes and insertions that I made after that.
BDWN: What kind of response have you been receiving from your readers?
PATRICIA: I have had the book for only two weeks and have already sold 60 copies and have given out 11 complimentary copies for a total of 71. In addition, there are others who have told me that they want to buy a copy of my book. All this is by word of mouth. People are coming back to me and telling me how much they are enjoying my book. I am amazed at the wonderfully positive comments coming even from those I don’t know very well as well as those who are not of my own religious affiliation.
BDWN: What other projects do you have in the works?
PATRICIA: At present my focus is to get my book up on a Website and hopefully to sell it over the Internet; then see where it will go from there. Since this is my first book, there is much that I need to learn. So, I am taking things slowly – one step at a time.
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