Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What I Did and Did Not Do at the BDWN “Write It Right” Conference

by Priscilla Y. Huff

Following the Black Diamond Writers Network's first annual “Write It Right Conference held on April 17, 2010, at the Schuylkill County Council for the Arts, I reviewed what I did and did not do to maximize my attendance there:

What I did do: Asked other attendees why they were there and what writing or other creative genres they were interested in pursuing. It was fascinating to hear their backgrounds: one gentleman, retired from his career working with persons who were hearing impaired, was interested in publishing his poetry; and another young man was interested in publishing Schuylkill County photography. I also met a woman with a common interest in nature, who is also a photographer and creates unique bookmarks.

What I did NOT do: I should have asked MORE attendees this same question. People like to network and exchange ideas and love it when others show an interest in their goals.

What I did do: I exchanged business cards with numerous people.

What I did NOT do: I should have exchanged MORE cards; plus I should have made a notation on the back of these cards so I remembered what we discussed.

What I did do: Followed-up with e-mails with some of the attendees and the presenters with whom I spoke.

What I did NOT do: Followed-up with e-mails with ALL of the people I met. It is important to make a contacts with those people you met, ASAP, so you can both exchange more networking information.

What I did do: I took good notes at the two workshops I attended.

What I did NOT do: I did not transcribe all the notes. It is important for me to write out my notes when I attend workshops shortly after the conference is ended, so I can implement those new ideas and tips I learned into my writing.

What I DID do: I thanked the organizers and members of the BDWN and the presenters for the excellent job they did. If I did forget to thank anyone who was a part of this excellent conference, I apologize.

I am already looking forward to attending the April, 2011, BDWN Writer’s Conference, How about you? Are you going? You will be glad you did.

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